Welcome to

FOSSMeet '18

Think Free, Code Better

16th - 18th February 2018

Come be a part of FOSSMeet

Be a Sponsor

FOSS has helped all of us in some manner. What better way to give back to it, than help in building a culture of innovation, freedom, evolution and open standards?

Reach us at sponsorship@fossmeet.in

Be a Speaker

We are inviting proposals for talks and workshops at FOSSMeet 2018.

Present your idea through fossmeet-nitc.talkfunnel

About Us

FOSSMeet is an annual event on Free and Open source software, conducted at National Institute of Technology, Calicut. Started with a vision to create a culture of innovation, evolution and open standards, the meet intends to support the FOSS community and the dissemination of FOSS ideology through hands-on sessions, discussions and lectures. Nothing better to get you introduced to the world of FOSS.

Our main aim being contributing to the FOSS community, we focus on the quality and standard of each of the events that is a part of FOSSMeet. Experts, professionals and students come in from all over south India to attend FOSSMeet.

Previous Speakers

Sasi Kumar

Sasi Kumar

Pirate Praveen

Pirate Praveen

Abhijit M

Abhijit M

Jinshnu Mohan

Jishnu Mohan

Noufal Ibrahim

Noufal Ibrahim

Contact Us

Still have questions about FOSSMeet sponsorships?
Drop our community team a line at
