Linux filesystem

by Shrimadhav U K

Check this out!

  • a directory for user programs (/usr)
    1. binary for the installed programs (/usr/bin)
    2. source code for the installed programs (/usr/src)
  • a directory containing the users' personal data (/home)
  • a directory to store temporary data like print- and mail-queues (/var)
  • a directory for third party and extra software (/opt)
  • a directory for the important configuration files (/etc)
ls -l

Some more Linux utilities

login to athena dataserver

ssh ${USERNAME} @

how did they DO that ?

figlet -ct -f small "Athena DataServer"
  1. figlet : display large characters from ASCII text
  2. -c : center the text on screen
  3. -t : justifies according to the width of the terminal window
  4. -f small : selects the font file from /usr/share/figlet/ directory
fortune -s | cowsay -f tux
  1. fortune -s : a short message for the day
  2. /usr/share/cowsay/cows contains a list of COWS which can be used
  3. cowsay -f : takes an argument from the list of COWS available

This Presentation

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Reference Book

- The Linux Command Line